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Kitchen organisation

By Isabelle Lamy on Monday, January 24th, 2022 in Portfolio. No Comments

We often hear that the kitchen is the hub, the heart of our home. 

Unlike other rooms in the house, this is the only room that can be compared to a production centre or factory. It is a place where we have supplies, stocks to manage, we have to know what we have and where. And above all, we have meals to produce. For some people, only time and a minimum of effort will count, and for others who love good food it will take more time and technique. But whether you are in one camp or the other, or somewhere in between, efficiency is the key word in a kitchen

Food ingredients should be grouped and organised (you know what you have and where it is). Accessories, utensils, cookware, small appliances, etc. should be organised according to their frequency of use and ideally positioned between the different centres of action in the kitchen (cooking/baking, washing up, meal preparation…). 

Organisational solutions are essential to help you find everything you need in the quickest possible time. This is why location, accessibility and visibility are crucial in any kitchen optimisation projects.

Here are some examples of organisational solutions implemented at my clients’ home. 

Again, it is very important for me to discuss with my clients their lifestyle and meal habits, who cooks, what kind of meals are prepared, where do they take their meals, how much cooking and baking is part of their (daily) life… all these questions allow me to better understand their needs and to guide them on the solutions of storage and optimisation of the kitchen which will correspond best to them (customised solutions).

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